Senin, 29 Juni 2015

In addition to the Treasure alms

In addition to the Treasure alms

Perhaps some of us want to give alms will theta [i beluum has Reski affluent. In addition to the articles of Islamic Charity Treasure will help you to realize your desire to charity.

Alms or "shodaqoh" usually identical to give money to the person entitled. turns in Islam not only give money only called alms. but a lot of practice are categorized as alms. because the charity itself is common sense include obligatory alms and Sunnah as infaq.

Because the notion of a general nature alms. many deeds sunnah which is also called charity. among others, hymn (praise the name of God), takbir (saying Allahu akbar), tahmid (say thank God), tahlil (say laa ilaha illallah), ordered to virtue and prohibit the kemungkaran also called alms. even the relationship between husband and wife is also called charity.
This is similar to what happens in the following hadith:

عن أبي ذر أن ناسا من أصحاب النبي صلى الله عليه و سلم قالوا للنبي صلى الله عليه و سلم يا رسول الله ذهب أهل الدثور بالأجور يصلون كما نصلي ويصومون كما نصوم ويتصدقون بفضول أموالهم.
قال: أو ليس قد جعل الله لكم ما تصدقون? إن بكل تسبيحة صدقة وكل تكبيرة صدقة وكل تحميدة صدقة وكل تهليلة صدقة وأمر بالمعروف صدقة ونهي عن منكر صدقة وفي بضع أحدكم صدقة قالوا يا رسول الله أياتي أحدنا شهوته ويكون له فيها أجر? قال أرأيتم لو وضعها في حرام أكان عليه فيها وزر? فكذلك إذا وضعها في الحلال كان له أجرا

It means: "From Abu Dhar (say): that some of the companions of the Prophet sholallahu 'alaihi wasallam sholallahu complained to the Prophet' alaihi wasallam: O Muhammad, rich people that have gone to bring many rewards. they pray as we pray, they fast as we fast, and they bersedakah with an excess of their property.

He said: Was not Allah has made for you to charity? indeed in every rosary is a charity. and every 
Takbir alms, and every tahmid alms, and every tahlil alms, ordered to goodness alms, prohibits alms of unjust things. even in budz'i (marital relationship) you is charity.
They said: O Muhammad, how one of us came sahwatnya then he gets the reward?
He said: What do you think, if he put it on the unclean if he sinned? likewise if he put in a lawful, then he got the reward. "(Muslim)

Although the actual marital relationship include routine or unusual activity a husband and wife, but with the intention that the purpose of these activities to carry out God's command is "gaulilah them with a ma'ruf," or keep yourself and wife from doing besides in its place, or expect from the results of a pious child, then it is included alms. and it is worship.


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